Guardians of Rescue Works Feverishly to Rescue Dogs and Cats from Puppy Mills
Building an Outdoor Play and Activity Area for Your Pet

Oskar & Friends Have THE Best Small Pet Totes, Paws Down


Images Copyright: Oscar & Friends 


Having been a pet owner since childhood, I believe pet totes are one of the best products that help connect us humans with our pets. By having a safe, secure, and cozy way to carry your, let's say, Pomeranian, rabbit, or cat, means more outings together!!   More outings mean more shared adventures. And that's a good thing, as Martha would say.   Especially for those pet parents whose aging pets can't go around the park on a leash as well as they used to. 

Quite a while ago, and my apologies for the delay in sharing the news, I was sent a Pet Tote made by Oskar & Friends.  Sadly I am without a pet at the moment, as I continue to be my Mom's caregiver in her own home.   But when they offered to send me one for a review, I gladly accepted as I know I will be a small dog mom again someday.

The quality and craftsmanship of these pet carriers and totes is top-notch.  When looking at the affordable prices of these super spiffy items, you'll be very impressed with your purchase, I assure you. 

Plus they offer FREE SHIPPING in the USA for orders over $50.  You have to love that. 


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The material used is excellent quality and the stitching is perfect.  And it is so darn cozy in there, with the fleece-lined bottom.   With the zip-around mesh, it keeps your furry friend from jumping out.  I imagine there are "jumpers" out there.  Good feature to have, just in case. 

First-time pet carrier owner? On their website, you'll find video clips showing the various product lines.  They also have a TIPS page, to answer your questions on measuring for carrier and how to get your dog used to one.

C22And your heart will melt when you read the product reviews.  So nice to see these adorable pets cruising along with their favorite humans, in comfort and style. 


I also like how they offer several color choices and two different types of carrier, one a tote and the other like a backpack.

Thank you so much, Oskar & Friends for the beautiful gift.  And someday it will be a safe and cozy place for my next little dog.  

