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How Much Heat Do Reptiles Need? Plus 3 Options for Keeping Their Environment the Right Temperature

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If you want to get a snake, a lizard, a turtle, or some other type of reptile, you need to know one thing. They are cold-blooded. Unlike us warm-blooded mammals, they don’t have an internal body temperature that keeps them regulated whenever they are in an environment that is too hot or too cold. Instead, they take on whatever temperature is right around them.

In order to keep them warm, their tank is going to need some type of heating system that will provide the heat they need. But just how much heat does your reptile need? And once you have that number, how do you make their environment that temperature?

How Hot Do Reptiles Need To Be?

This will depend on the species. For example, the bearded dragon needs a hot side at 85-100 degrees and 70-85 degrees for the cool side. In addition, they need a basking spot that is 100 degrees. While a leopard gecko needs a tank temp of around 80 degrees with a basking spot that is 95 degrees.

You need to look up the exact numbers for your reptile, but the ballpark is anywhere from 75-100 degrees in places. So they need to be fairly warm. So how do you get their tanks to be that temperature? Ideally without calling someone who has expertise in heating repair!


Depositphotos_472356401_L(Images from Deposit Photos)

How To Keep The Reptile Environment The Right Temperature.

1.  Have a Protected Heat Lamp

The easiest way to have your reptile vivarium stay at the temperature you need it to stay at, is to ensure that you have a heat bulb at one end. A protective heat guard or some other method to make sure that the reptile doesn’t touch the heat lamp is needed because they will burn themselves.

Make sure to set up the heat bulb, ideally by the basking area so they can get the highest temperature easier.

2. Invest In a High-Quality Thermostat!

You need to have a high quality thermostat that not only shows you the temperature inside of the vivarium, but also one that allows you to control the temperature without any issues.  If you need to regulate the temperature, you want to be able to do that. Plus, it will help you ensure that your reptile doesn’t overheat, especially at night when the temperature should be dropped.

3.  Use Under Tank Heat Pads

Again, these should not be put in direct contact with the reptile due to the risk of severe burns. But under the tank heat pads can be put under the floor of the tank, such as near a basking spot, and can be used with a thermostat. These heat pads are fairly easy to install and will help you control the temperature in a specific location.




Heating Up Your Reptile Won’t Be That Hard!

Don’t be afraid to do some serious research on your reptile, and see what other owners have done with their heating setup. The more research you do and the more preparation you figure out, the better home you will be able to give your reptile! Then they can just enjoy their new environment without you having to worry about if they can thrive in that environment.

Just make sure to focus on maintaining these heating elements just like you would maintain everything else in the vivarium. If the heating elements start to fall apart or look like they need to be replaced or repaired, you need to take action to make sure that the internal temperature stays where it is!



(Images from Deposit Photos)

