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5 Tips for Dealing With an Aggressive Cat

Aggressive cat

As a pet owner, you already know that pets can have their moods, and they can also be unpredictable sometimes. However, if you have noticed that your cat has been behaving aggressively for some time already, it is time to take action.

In this article, we will share helpful tips to deal with an aggressive cat, ranging from identifying the cause of aggressive behavior, visiting a veterinarian, and understanding your cat's body language to using CBD products to calm it down, giving your cat enough space, and using food to manage its behavior, among other things. Read on!

Identifying the Cause of Aggressive Behavior

The first thing you need to do is to identify the cause of your cat's aggressive behavior. This can be a little tricky, but with patience and careful observation, you will learn a lot about your cat's behavior.

If you have more than one cat, it is important that you know that cats are territorial animals. If your cat has been aggressive towards another animal in the household, then it might not be related to any medical condition.

We know that a cat's body language is very different from other animal species. A cat doesn't use their ears or tails to communicate their feelings. When a cat is happy, they usually exhibit this by rubbing their heads against your legs. When they are scared or aggressive, they would usually stand up straight and tall, with their ears flattened against their head. They might also growl and hiss.

It is also important that you know how to distinguish between aggressive behaviors from play. You can tell if it is an aggressive behavior if it involves physical contact or a biting motion. If you see your cat doing these things, it is best that you give them enough space to calm down first before approaching them.

Using CBD Products to Calm Your Cat Down

CBD products have become very popular nowadays because of their many health benefits, such as relieving pain, nausea, anxiety, stress, inflammation, depression, and insomnia. They create a calming effect on your body, which can also have a positive effect on your cat as well when using the right dosage.

CBD oil comes in different forms such as tinctures, capsules, patches, liquids, among others, so you can choose whichever form suits your pet best depending on your needs and preferences. If you want to calm down an aggressive or hyperactive cat without having to resort to medications, Relievet's CBD oil for cats is highly recommended.

We recommend using the tinctures since you can easily administer it to your cat. You don't need to worry about giving your cat too much CBD oil because it won't do any harm. It is actually safe for your pet to take CBD oil every day as long as you are using the right dosage.

The best way to administer CBD oil to your cat is by putting drops of it in their food. Some cats might have a little bit of a hard time adjusting to the taste and smell of CBD oil at first, but most will get used to it eventually.



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Visiting a Veterinarian

If you have ruled out any medical causes for your cat's aggressive behavior, then it would be better to bring your pet to the vet for further assessment. The vet will ask you questions about your cat's lifestyle habits and past history of aggression, as well as examine your cat physically.

Your veterinarian might also want to run some tests to rule out any diseases or medical conditions that might contribute to your cat's aggressive behavior. Once these tests are done, then the vet will be able to recommend some solutions for your cat's problem.

Understanding Your Cat's Body Language

As we have mentioned above, understanding your cat's body language is very important if you want to effectively deal with its aggressive behavior. You can tell if your cat is feeling threatened if they are standing tall and erect with their ears flattened against their heads.

They might let out short and deep hisses and growls, which are usually directed at a specific person or object. If there is someone or something your cat doesn't like, then they will not hesitate to chase and attack them.

Giving Your Cat Enough Space

One thing that most people get wrong when dealing with the aggressiveness of their cats is that they don't give them enough space. As much as possible, it would be best if you give your cat a safe place where they can retreat and hide anytime they feel threatened or stressed.

Many people give their cats a special room or cage where they can feel safe and comfortable without having to worry about getting hurt by other pets or humans in the house. You can also use a large dog crate for this purpose as well.



(Image from Deposit Photos

Using Food to Manage Your Cat's Behavior

Some pet owners think that feeding their cats treats and food can help manage their aggressive behavior, but this isn't true. Cats will only be interested in eating food if they are hungry, and treats won't help deal with aggressive behaviors either.

However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't give your cat treats or food every now and then. Giving your cat treats regularly will help strengthen the bond between you and your pet. Just make sure that you aren't giving them too much food since it can lead to obesity which may trigger a number of health problems for your feline friend.

In Conclusion

Having a cat can be very rewarding, but it can also be quite challenging at times. If you are facing problems with your aggressive cat, you should definitely act fast by seeking help from the right resources and experts. As much as possible, you should try to understand your cat's body language in order to understand its emotional state better. Also, try to give your cat enough space so that they can get used to their new environment slowly and not feel threatened.
