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August 2019

Girls and Their Cats - New Book Release! #Giveaway

Girls and Their Cats - New Book Release! By BriAnne Wills, with Elyse Moody; Foreword by Molly Young 8 x 10 in, 176 pp; hardcover; full-color photographs throughout $24.95 Available August 20, 2019 “Time spent with a cat is never wasted,” said Colette. Photographer BriAnne Wills agrees and has made... Read more →

Renting with Pets: Which Are the Best Cities?

Renters who have pets need to go through a lot to make sure their little friends are allowed in the rental apartment. With so many people being pet owners, landlords and property managers are becoming less and less reluctant to allow pets in their buildings and apartments. As the trend... Read more →

10 Fascinating Facts About Iguanas

Guest author: James Alston ExoticDirect pet insurance have collected ten of the most interesting, funny, and downright weird facts about iguanas for your pleasure. So put the kettle on and prepare to be amazed (or at least mildly interested) by these wonderful animals... 1. Iguanas can get rather big The... Read more →