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Want to Keep Your Cat Happy? There’s an App For That!

Cat healthy app

A new app recently launched by Cat Healthy promises to make it a lot easier to manage feline wellness.
The free app stores and tracks your cat’s important information, weight, key dates, veterinary records, even photos to aid in providing great care for your cat. This is an important tool as it is estimated approximately only 55 per cent of cats get regular medical care compared to 85 per cent of dogs.
“The vision of the app is to promote better care for cats by actively engaging cat parents with the needs of their cats. The app provides real-time tips and reminders, acts as a health journal, and is an educational resource,” says Dr. Liz O’Brien, DVM, DABVP and co-founder of Cat Healthy.
The Cat Healthy app creates a timeline and calendar with real-time alerts and notifications to the cat owner. The user has the ability to add content about their cat's behaviour, such as notes and photography. It is also the only pet app created by all board certified feline specialists in Canada.
“We all love our cats, but they are the masters of disguise, so we often misinterpret their behaviours and don’t always think about what they need to stay happy and healthy,” say Susan Groeneveld, co-founder of Cat Healthy.
“The app is a truly cat-centric tool that mirrors the life of your cat. For example, it delineates content by age as a cat’s care differs greatly based on their stage in life,” says Dr. O’Brien.
Cat Healthy was recently awarded the “Best in Show” for a non-profit at the North American Veterinary Community awards event and internationally recognized as a leader in cat care with licensing agreements in Japan.
Find more information on the website www.cathealthy.ca and in the iTunes App Store.
ABOUT CAT HEALTHY  - Cat Healthy is a cause marketing initiative created to increase awareness about proper cat health and to demystify cat behaviour helping cats live healthier, happier lives. Supported by all practicing feline specialists in Canada, Cat Healthy is internationally recognized as a leader in supporting species centric care.
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