Want to Keep Your Cat Happy? There’s an App For That!
GIVEAWAY ~ Demeter Fragrance Library Introduces....KITTEN FUR!

Introducing DOGGIE DON’T® - Correcting Unwanted Behaviors Effectively



Not a day goes by that a package doesn't come to my door from UPS, FedEx, the postie or Purolator.  I am a very spoiled pet blogger indeed. And very grateful.  Plus it keeps the neighbors guessing as to what that blond girl is up to. 

Sarah Beck,  an inventor and entrepreneur, got in touch with me recently about her new product, the DOGGIE DON’T®.  I was more than happy to check it out.  It arrived safe and sound (great branding and packaging, by the way) and since I am sadly not a dog mom right now, I shipped it to my brother Dave.  He's a new proud dog dad to two rescue dogs, Sunny and Suds.  He had been looking for a training solution to help stop his dogs from jumping up on him when he came home from work.  Or anywhere, for that matter.  Funny how you can be away for one hour or all day from your dogs and when you come home, you get the same level of enthusiasm.  And jumping!

So what is this device all about?



The DOGGIE DON’T® Device is a HAND HELD, AUDIBLE tool that will assist you in correcting unwanted behaviors such as BARKING, JUMPING UP, and LEASH AGGRESSION. The Device is based on proven AUDIBLE, Sound Aversion. The DOGGIE DON’T® Device makes a distinctive CRACKLING SOUND that both you and your dog can hear. The sound gets your dogs attention. Eventually, you should be able to say your commands and not need to use your device. Be consistent to change behaviors. Say your command, use your device properly and reward your dog for good behavior to transform your dog into a well-behaved and socialized pup.




So how effective was it when it came to getting Sunny and Suds to stop jumping?  I'm happy to say that the device worked like a charm!  Next Dave will be using the device to help stop the "kids" from excessive barking, and judging by the reviews on the DOGGIE DON’T® website, it won't let him down.

Congratulations Sarah on your wonderful new invention and your passion for helping to keep dogs out of shelters due to unwanted behaviors. 

DOGGIE DON’T® is available in the USA through their website and is also now shipping to Canada.   Be sure to follow them on Facebook to see more great reviews and product news! 


