Foster Moms in Nature - Heart-warming Combinations
It's National Pet Day! How Are You Celebrating?

Spring Fever and Doggie Sunglasses



(Bailey - Looking mighty cool!)


My friend Caitlin posted this fantastic photo of her dog Bailey on Facebook today.  I was going to save it for Wordless Wednesday.  However - It is PERFECT for how I am feeling right now.  With the smells of Spring in the air and the temperature reaching 20 today, I officially have Spring Fever. And I like it!

Where I live in Canada, the Okanagan Valley, we have long stretches during the winter when it is overcast.  Day after day.  Bums you out after awhile, to be honest.  I grew up in the Prairies where the sun shines year around.  Of course you almost freeze to death waiting for the bus, but the sun is out while that's happening.  Kind of a positive, don't you think?

Looking at Bailey made me think about the topic of dogs wearing sunglasses.  I know there are companies out there that manufacture and market shades for pooches, but I never consider getting a pair for Oscar.  



Photo credit:


I did a little research and found a couple of good articles on this very subject.  Does Your Dog Really Need Sunglasses by Linda Cole points out that sunglasses are not just about fashion - which we can get caught up on as pet-lovers.  Glasses are excellent for both UV ray protection and exposure to debris - given that dogs are more apt to run into sticks and the such when out hiking with their higher elevated two-legged family members. 


Buddy the puggy(The one and only, Buddy the Puggy)


Another good article is Doggie Sunglasses: Does Your Dog Need 'Em? by Gayle Hickman

So before you go out and buy Skippy a pair of cool canine shades, check out what others are saying about them and go from there.  However - If you are wanting for no other reason except to make your dog look pretty darn cool, then yo, yo, yo...shade 'em up!  (Just like Diesel here)  

Does your dog have sunglasses?  Chime in with a comment.  And enjoy the sunshine!!



BdPaws_blue - Copy
