The Pursuit of Happiness - Living in the Now (with one exception)
March 29, 2014
(Photo credit:
Many of you know from my previous post that I took several weeks off and went away for some solid treatment for my mental health - which had been struggling. It feels so good to be back with a sense of peace, strength and contentment. Being away from a computer for 5 weeks is a challenge in and of itself for a blogger but I needed to focus just on me to get my grounding back again. I got the help I needed and am very grateful for that.
As humans in our society, we are so consumed with thoughts of the past and the future. We rehash in our minds over and over actions we should have made or we regret things that we have done. The past can rob you of the pure joy that exists within you now. On the other hand, worrying about the future and constantly thinking that the next job, the next trip, the next relationship, the higher paycheck, etc....will finally bring you happiness - keeps us forever looking forward in a constant state of discontent.
I just finished reading this book, The Power of Now, which I would highly recommend to anyone looking to find that inner peace of just being you. I am now on a mission to do all that I can to find and keep that sense of happy self, for isn't that what life is all about?
So I invite you all to really look hard at yourself and discover the wonder which lies in you already. Become more aware of the present for really, that is all we ever have.
There is only one exception for not living in the future. What is that, you may ask? BlogPaws, but of course!!! Only 38 days away and I am so darn excited I could burst into flames. (oh wait....that's menopause and I am doing that already). If you are a pet lover and want to learn the ins and outs of social media, this is THE conference for you. I am so proud to be a BlogPaws Ambassador, helping to promote and support the best event of the year.
Register today before we sell out, like we did in 2013. We had to turn so many away! Want to save some moola? Use the code BlogPaws2014-Lisa-10 for 10% off the regular conference fee.
So take time today to be good to yourself. To live in the moment and find happiness from within. And come to BlogPaws 2014 and we can hang out together. You can meet Flat Oscar and possibly Frank, if he'll fit in my suitcase. He promises to be on his best fish behaviour. Ya.... I've heard that before, Frank.