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February 2013

The Yellow Dog Project - Creating Awareness for Dogs Who Need Space

A friend of mine, Tim McLarty from Ontrack Communications in Toronto, recently sent me an email about this awareness campaign called The Yellow Dog Project. (He knows what a crazy dog person I am). It is such a simple concept. As described on their website; "The Yellow Dog Project was... Read more →

A Bedtime Treat to Help Them Sleep

My Oscar leads a very busy Bichon life. Up early with me at 6:30 a.m.; out for a pee (Oscar only, although I have had my fair share of tinkling in the great outdoors) and back inside to diligently pick the snow off his wooly fur. This is usually followed... Read more →

Good Things Come in Small Packages with PawBox! Giveaway & Discount Code!

I love getting packages in the mail. The thrill of receiving them is always there. Even the anticipation knowing it's going to arrive any day now. Of course there is the excitement of opening it up....wondering what surprises are tucked inside. It never gets old for me. I love my... Read more →

Home Cleaning Tips for a Safe Puppy

Guest author, Marie Ortiz There’s nothing more thrilling than adopting a new dog. You do research, visit the shelter, meet some friendly puppy faces and then choose the right fit for your family. While you were searching for your new companion, the “messes” probably crossed your mind. All puppies and... Read more →

Songs for Your Dog - I'm Hooked on Them!

DISCLAIMER: The songs you are about to hear are addicting. They will play over and over in your head. They'll make you smile and feel fuzzy and giggly inside - especially if you're a dog lover. You'll stop thinking about how cool they are for your dog and instead want... Read more →